My ongoing monthly membership the Empowered Singer Circle, and my 10-week
Find Your Better Voice Course are group training programs that get you to experience your voice in new, exciting and empowering ways.
There is SO much more voice–and skill–in you than you realize. When you discover this for yourself–and you will in both programs–your singing will not only feel better but soar to new heights.
I would be thrilled and honored to accompany you on these adventures that will leave you feeling more confident and joyful about your voice and singing.
You deserve this!
The Empowered Singer Circle is now OPEN to new students!
We meet on the second and fourth Mondays of each month via Zoom 7:00-8:30 pm ET
>>>Click Here For More Info and to Join Us<<<
Hope to see you there this coming Monday!

Discover that there's more potential in you for improvement than you ever thought possible!
This can be achieved by:
People who think that they can't sing or are shy about it AND
Experienced singers who are stuck or encountering frustrating roadblocks
Real improvement - that can be tangibly felt - is possible for ALL.
>>Click here or the button below to learn more!
Next cohort will be announced. Contact me to be put on the waiting list.