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Inspiration for mind, and voice
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Singer Blog
Inspiration for mind, and voice
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When Singing Mistakes Happen
Mistakes happen to all of us whether we are novice or professional singers. Let's look at two examples of professional singers making mistakes during their solo voice recitals. Both chose to start and restart a song in their program. There are pros and cons to consider both for the singer, the performance and the audience in making such a choice.
How Criticism Impacts Singers’ Confidence
Your voice is a very personal part of who you are. For that reason it is no surprise that harsh criticism can shake your confidence in your singing or your voice. This is not only true for beginners. Even experienced, professional singers can sometimes suffer from a lack of self-assurance or confidence in their voices when they receive harsh criticism of their singing.
A Soothing Out-of-the-Box Solution to Relieve Stress, Pain & Anxiety
Do you have a high stress level, or physical strain or pain? If you want to experience a unique and soothing solution to quell your stress and anxiety, or relieve pain, keep reading. The gentle, and oh so relaxing movement classes I give could be exactly what you need for stress management, good self-care and healthier lifestyle choices.
The Unsung Hero Behind the Feldenkrais Method
The brilliant founder of the little-known Feldenkrais Method® had dramatic adventures in his life that led to creating this innovative, holistic healing modality. It’s EXTREMELY helpful for singers and musicians as well as those suffering with chronic pain or injuries.
What Is Holistic Voice Training?
The voice as a musical instrument is THE most multi-faceted and complex of all. An empowering way to create healthy singing comes from a holistic approach to voice training. This considers the whole person and not just the voice, and can include use of holistic methods like yoga to build greater body awareness.
Self-Love as the Greatest Love of All?
Sometimes unreasonably high expectations of ourselves can get in the way of self-love. We're not productivity machines but human BE-ings. Rather than push ourselves relentlessly, we can give ourselves grace by cutting ourselves some slack. Not only do we benefit, but those around us do, too.
Negative Self-Talk and Singing: What You Must Know
Take heart. Many people have negative self-talk around their singing. No need to puff yourself up with false pride. Chances are you are further along than you think! And besides, singing is so much more than comparing yourself to others.
Hi, I’m Margaret, great to have you here!
I’m a Voice Empowerment Coach & Singing Teacher here to help you become more aware and empowered as a singer or voice student. I write and share unique and inspirational content on voice, healthy singing and overall wellness for life–mind, body and spirit.